Monday, October 19, 2009

Deadline Day Is Here!

Please complete your pages today and leave me a note below on your progress before the bell today.

PICTURES: You may place photos by clicking File: Place....find where you photo You do not have to use ImagePlacer!

I need grades for you! You need grades for you! Do you have final copy of these assignments in the correct folder? They go on last nine week's grade!

  1. All your assigned stories (feature, clubs, sports, editorial, and entertainment page) in the correct folder in the October Newspaper File.
  2. Completed page
  3. Famous Historical Journalist Presentation: this should be in your reporter folder on the N: Drive. Please plan to present on Friday!

REMINDER: Leave a comment below about today's progress!


  1. Ms. Gillmore my presentation for my journalist is at home finished. I will email it to you when I get home from the car shop. I prmomise! I promise on my life and my horse's life that it is there. I have the words typed that I am going to say for the presentaion done. I will send those to you.

  2. I cannot complete pg 2 because we haven't picked the editorials and I'm not sure about the staff portion.
    I have completed page 3 though and all my stories.

  3. I can't do the front page yet because I don't have the information for the charter school, nor do I have enough information on homecoming. I did get page 12 done!!!! except for a picture of mrs. lockaby but I've went and talked to her and she will take a picture in the morning during 1B.
